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Focus on the Family Canada Book Fair

Complete Guide to Baby and Child Care, paperback

Complete Guide to Baby and Child Care, paperback

SKU: f01716b

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An extensive child-care volume with full-color illustrations, photos, and foreword by Dr. James Dobson. Developed and approved by the Physicians Resource Council, this volume covers everything from preparing for parenthood to your child’s adolescent years. It also addresses special topics such as child abuse, discipline, and caregivers. A thorough medical reference section includes information on orthopedics, emergency care, and first aid. From a trusted source, parents will find sound advice and peace of mind throughout the development of their children.


  • 25 Special Concerns sections that cover topics such as fevers in small children, effective discipline, ADHD, cyberspace safety, and more
  • Medical Reference section with detailed definitions/descriptions of common childhood illnesses and medical conditions
  • Emergency Care section that includes information on 911 calls, preventive safety, and what to do when your child needs immediate medical attention
  • Illustrations, photographs, and charts to help you comprehend recommended techniques and recognize specific diseases and conditions 

928 pages


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